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Four Ways AI Is Changing Smart Home Automation

A couple stands in the kitchen of a modern Vail home managed by smart home automation.

AI Is Nothing New in the Smart Home

With all the talk about artificial intelligence in the past two years, you might think it's a new technology that has only recently sprung upon the world. The reality is that AI is decades in the making, with research dating back to the dawn of the first computers. Even more so, AI has been a core technology underpinning today's smart home automation systems. To some, AI might sound a bit worrisome, but if you think about what it already has enabled—especially in the smart home—you also realize the tremendous potential of the technology to enhance daily life in your Vail mountain home. Let's briefly examine how AI is transforming the smart home.

SEE ALSO: How to Plan Your Smart Home Automation Project

Voice Control

AI is at the core of voice control capabilities, as it is used to parse language and understand the spoken word. While highly accurate, it sometimes shows its imperfections. Nevertheless, the incredible convenience of setting a lighting scene —like saying “movie night” to dim the lights in the family room for a movie—is one of the benefits of the modern smart home. Some systems also learn from your habits, so if you also lower the window shades every time at a certain time of day, it will learn to do it for you whenever you say the same command. 

Smart Security

Smart security cameras now employ AI-powered features for more intelligent surveillance and monitoring. For example, being able to detect activity within a limited field, like a person approaching the front door rather than one walking by on the street, is an AI feature. Similarly, AI image processing allows users to review captured footage from an incident, like identifying a truck or even a license plate. In more advanced systems, facial recognition can enable other features, such as telling you that your kids have returned home when they’re detected by an indoor or outdoor surveillance camera. 


Artificial intelligence technology excels at pattern recognition. How does this help with home automation? Perhaps you always manually adjust the temperature as soon as you wake up on a rainy Colorado day. A smart home system can look at the weather and humidity and adjust your climate system to suit your typical preferences based on past adjustments. The same type of intelligent personalization can happen with lighting, entertainment, and other aspects of your smart home based on detecting your behavior. 


There are many ways to increase energy efficiency in a Colorado home, and much of that might involve programming a smart home system to manage lighting, climate, and other features based on preset scenes or schedules. What if the system learned your behavior and adjusted accordingly? Smart systems can do just that, based on monitoring how your home is used. If you are always gone on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 AM, it can turn your kitchen lights off automatically, with no input required from you. Plus, intelligent power systems like Savant Power can help manage the grid and alternative power sources for smart power management. 

You can harness the power of AI right now in Vail with modern smart home automation. To learn more, contact our office here or start a chat below to connect with one of our experts quickly. We look forward to working with you!

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